This was my view for the majority of the day. Standing next to David McKenzie, the Director and just being around the higher up crew, like DOP and grips and gaffers and fpuller and not making an ass of myself in front of the locatioins manager like I did last week... and occasionally checking out the shot from the cinedisplay:
It was awesome! The way the kids were directed was hilarious (we were filming a classroom) and watching the camera tracking and the focus puller remotely focusing was so cool I almost passed out with happiness. You know when you get that rush of blood to your head and start to black out? But in a good way.
It was just Ally and I that were running, because it was all indoor shoots so no crowd control was necessary. Only down side was that the 1st AD. Barrie (McCulloch ?) was ill and so wasn't there, which is bad because he's awesome. However, on the up side Zoe the 3rd got to act as 1st and call the shots for the day, which I'm sure she enjoyed. OO and I got to use a covert radio for the first time. It was really awkward and really hard to keep in your ear without it falling out once in a while. It felt like I was an agent :D.
At one point I was being called on radio at the same time my mobile was ringing at the same time I was determining whether to stay on the minibus or not. It was terribly confusing and difficult, but became fairly easy as I realised that they were all trying to tell me the same thing and that had I just ignored radio I would have been fine. I finally got phone signal and Chris sorted me out.
All was well as teas, coffees and cakes were made abundantly available by Chris' handiwork, and I got to steal some credit by holding the box until wrap.
After being swooped over to film city (sigmaville) on the south side, Ally and I got paid and decided to walk back home. Or in my case, run to Kung Fu Fitness arriving 2 hours late, soon realising that my kit bag (which I packed in the morning, and was lovingly delivered to the GUST office by my one and only Laurpy) was void of any actual kit bar my trainers and hoody. FAIL. However, I still managed to learn some awesome new single handed blocks which would kung-fwin against any particularly boisterous hoodlums on the way home that night.
This morning I woke up (thankfully) and I've just remembered my dream. I actually dreamt about touching a Sony F900, and it wasn't inappropriate because someone else wanted to do so and I just joined in. Strange dream.
Good good times. Now for some programming. Good bye :D