Saturday, 29 August 2009

Real D 144fps 3D movie problem

I have come across something that I do not like about 3D movies.

The projectionists.

It has to be them, or at least one of them at Glasgow Renfrew St's Cineworld. It happens once every three films I see there. It's particularly clear during credits or when the scene involves white on black high contrast shots. There is a ghost of the image - displaced about a quarter of the screen down and right. Like this:

At first I figured it was a reflection from the glass separating the projector from the theatre. But it can't be that if the problem only occurs for some films, since they all use the same hardware as far as I'm aware. If you know, then I'd really appreciate it if you commented on this post to let me know, or at least let the guys at the Glasgow Cineworld know they fail and perhaps teach them how not to fail.

Obviously the credits aren't the main concern here. Any time I have noticed a problem with left/right ghosting (where the left image is ghosted with part of the right image) I have also noticed this aliased image offset. Perhaps they are linked by some common problem. I cannot find it under any google search. The left/right ghosting totally ruins the 3d effect for me.

It makes me sad.

- Darren